Religious Education, Grades K – 8
Give the gift of year long faith enrichment by bringing your children to a faith-filled environment. Catechesis in a religious education program is only one aspect of a child’s formation which begins at birth and at Baptism when parents are given the responsibility of being their child’s first teachers of the faith.
Most of the religious attitudes and values that children acquire come from their parents and home life. We, at Good Shepherd, are committed to providing a systematic curriculum outlined by the Richmond Diocese to support their role as “primary educators in the faith” (GDC 255).
We ask that the parents take an active role by supporting their
catechist in reading parent pages, practicing prayers at home and being a participant in what is happening in the classroom.
Religious Education Classes
Classes for grades K-8 meet on Sundays following Mass starting in September through May for approximately one hour
(10:10 AM-11:10 AM).
Please refer to Youth Ministry for 9-12th grade. All children should be members of our parish before enrolling in classes. The registration form for families to become registered parishioners is located under “New Parishioner” under the CONTACT tab.
The registration form for religious education is located below. If you have a child who is going to be receiving the Sacrament of First Communion or Confirmation, please download and complete the form for the appropriate sacrament and return it to the Coordinator of Religious Education or the church office. You may call the church office for more information.
If you are interested in becoming a catechist, please contact Lara Detrich at [email protected] or the church office as we are always looking for more people to be involved in catechesis.
Religious Education Registration Form 2024-25
To print the registration form below, “right click” on the link below, and save it to your desktop, or somewhere on your computer where you’ll quickly locate it. You can then print the form. Once printed, complete the form and return it to the office or to Lara Detrich, Religious Education Coordinator.
Religious Education Registration form for Grades K – 8
Congratulations to our 2023 First Communicants!
Welcome to the Table of the Lord!
The children and parishioners painted prayer rocks in remembrance of a deceased family member or friend. At the end of November the prayer rocks were added to the Prayer Garden by the entrance of the church.